Sunday, February 2, 2025

I Choose to Live in Love


I have been listening to the above link a lot lately. It always makes me feel calmer and grounded. I am trying to meditate daily in the morning, and I have also been on my knees a lot lately, asking for God's direction for me today. Usually, my prayer time is just bowing my head and conversing with God. Sometimes, I just do "The Lord's Prayer," but this song helps me connect to ALL. 

Also, for the past six months, I have been working on my journal planner, which has been an excellent way of keeping up with my progress in my plan of care. I tell you what: Being dyslexic and aging has been very hard, but it is not going to beat me. So what if my planner is now my brain? I just have to carry that thing with me all the time. It's turning into an art journal, too, lol. I am doodling on it. I am also picking up on some of my negative behaviors and turning them into positive ones. 

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